BME Fotoğraf Albümü
100/2000 Istanbul meeting (October 21, 2019): BME scholars were there and established a good representation of Boğaziçi University.

Celebration lunch (October 30, 2018) for Daniela Schulz's appointment as a faculty member and for the promotions of Burak Güçlü, Özgür Kocatürk and Esin Öztürk Işık.
Ceremony for Prof. Yekta Ülgen’s retirement (June 9, 2017)
The BME Blues Band performed in BÜ'yülü Bir Gün 2016. See a sample song...
Uluç Pamuk, Can Yücesoy, Mustafa Kemal Ruhi and Yekta Ülgen (from left to right)
Celebration lunch for Mehmed Özkan's appointment as the Rector of Boğaziçi Üniversity