Cengizhan ÖZTÜRK

Professor, PhD
M.S. university and year: Marmara University (M.D), 1990.
Ph.D. university and year: Drexel University, 1997.
During 1997-2000, he worked as a postdoctoral research fellow at Medical Imaging Lab, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University. Between 1999-2000, he also worked at the Laboratory of Cardiac Energetics, National Heart Lung Blood Institute (NHLBI, NIH). His postgraduate work has always focused on various topics in Magnetic Resonance Imaging. He started to work at Bogazici University in 2000, later visited Cardiac Interventions Lab at NHLBI, NIH between 2003 and 2005 as a visiting scientist to work on MR guided medical interventions. He is currently working as a Professor at the Institute of Biomedical Engineering, Bogazici University.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI); Interventional MRI; Image Guided Medical Interventions; MR-Angio Fusion (XFM); Cardiac Imaging (specifically Cardiac MRI); Cardiac Physiology; Cardiovascular Modeling; Neuroimaging (specifically Neuro MRI); Medical Image Processing; Image Registration and Visualization
Prof. Dr. Cengizhan Ozturk
Dr. Ozturk has earned his M.D. from Marmara School of Medicine, Istanbul, Turkey, in 1990. He later got a Specialization Degree in Physiology at Cerrahpasa Medical School, Istanbul, in 1994 and a Ph.D. at the School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health Systems, Drexel Univesity, Philadelphia in 1997. His dissertation topic focused on the development of a new 3D computer vision technique (Perfect Submap based Structured Light) to acquire 3D surface images of objects and finding better methods of aligning these. During 1997-2000, he worked as a postdoctoral research fellow at Medical Imaging Lab, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University. Between 1999-2000, he also worked at the Laboratory of Cardiac Energetics, National Heart Lung Blood Institute (NHLBI, NIH). His postgraduate work has always focused on various topics in Magnetic Resonance Imaging. He started to work at Bogazici University in 2000, later visited Cardiac Interventions Lab at NHLBI, NIH between 2003 and 2005 as a visiting scientist to work on MR guided medical interventions. He is currently working as a Professor at the Institute of Biomedical Engineering, Bogazici University.
Dr. Ozturk is the Coordinator of Bogazici University Medical Imaging Laboratory (BUMIL). (http://www.bumil.boun.edu.tr) BUMIL is a multidisciplinary research laboratory with a strong focus on magnetic resonance imaging, mainly working on interventional, cardiac and neuro MRI. Its overall aim is to conduct biomedical research in a wide spectrum, ranging from initial fundamental signal processing tasks to specific image processing software development in all biological and medical fields with quantitative and functional imaging needs. BUMIL was initially funded with the help of a modest startup grant from Siemens Healthcare Solutions, Turkey in late 2001. A model university-industry collaboration project was conducted jointly until the end of 2008. The components of this collaboration between Siemens and BUMIL were: student scholarships, student travel grants, technical access to Siemens scanners, supported technical research at few reference imaging sites (Istanbul University Medical Faculty and Acibadem Hospital). With the establishment of UMRAM (National Magnetic Resonance Research Center), more official and comprehensive collaborations with Siemens are handled now through UMRAM, at Bilkent University. Dr. Ozturk is a member of the UMRAM’s National Board.
Dr. Cengizhan Ozturk has been leading a multidisciplinary research team at the Bogazici University: The Micro-System Based Medical Device Development Laboratory.It was more firmly established on January 2008, when it was funded through three-way project consortium by the State Planning Organization, with the official name of Center for Life Sciences and Technologies.(http://lifesci.boun.edu.tr) Original LİfeSci modules (DeviceLab, System Biology and Vivarium) have been expanded to include two new modules: a) Smart Drugs, b) Computational Biology and Bioinformatics. The Center is supported by over 40 academicians from 10 different departments. Vivarium is now fully operational, and the 250 m2 Clean Room, combining unique MEMS and medical device production capabilities under one roof, certified in Autumn of 2011. The overall earmarked budget for this ongoing center project is now around 9.500.000 $. In May 2011, Dr. Ozturk has been named the Director of the Center for Life Sciences and Technologies.
Dr. Ozturk also leads a new funding effort for expanding the industrial collaboration around the Center for Life Sciences and Technologies. Forming a consortium with Istanbul University and Sabancı University: INOVİTA, Istanbul Cooperation Platform for Life Sciences and Technologies.(http://www.inovita.org) İnovita has been established and received an initial funding around 900.000 $ from Regional Development Agency of Istanbul (ISTKA). The project has started at the end of July 2011.
- Center for Life Sciences and Technologies (Yaşam Bilimleri ve Teknolojileri Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi), Funding Agency: State Planning Organization, Project No: 2009K120520, Center Director and Coordinator of Microsystem Based Medical Device Development Unit: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cengizhan Ozturk (BU BME). Project started on 1/2008, expected finishing date: unknown, budget earmarked around 9,000,000 $.
- Istanbul Cooperation Platform for Life Sciences and Technologies, Project Coordinator: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cengizhan Ozturk (BU BME), project will start on 7/2011, expected finishing date: 7/2012, Budget: around 900,000 $, Funding Agency: ISTKA, Regional Development Agency of Istanbul. (İstanbul Kalkınma Ajansı)
- 2011-ongoing: (EU 7th framework COST ACTION) Arterial Spin Labeling Initiative in Dementia (AID), PI: Prof. Xavier GOLAY (University College London), Participants from Bogazici University: Cengizhan Ozturk, Onur Ozyurt, Budget: In negotiation stage.
- 2011-ongoing: (EU 7th framework MARIE CURIE ACTION) TAHITI (Improving THerapy And Intervention Through Imaging), PI: María J. Ledesma Carbayo (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid), Investigator: Cengizhan Ozturk, Budget: In negotiation stage.
- 2011-ongoing: (Bogazici University Research Fund) Development of a Dual-Energy Chest X-Ray System, PI: Cengizhan Ozturk, Budget: 20,000 USD.
- 2010-ongoing: San-Tez (Ministry of Industry and Trade, Turkish Government), Digital Portable Dental X-ray, PI: Cengizhan Ozturk, Partner Company: DDRLINE. Budget: 200,000 $.
- A Novel Integrated Optoelectronic System For Automatic Catheter Localization in Interventional MRI, TUBITAK, Project No: 108E119, PI: Assist Prof. Arda. Yalcinkaya (BU EE), Researchers: Cengizhan Ozturk and Senol Mutlu (BU EE), started on 10/2008, expected finishing date: 10/2011 (at its closing phase), Budget: 458,238 TL.
- TUBITAK-HELMHOLTZ Joint Funding for Mobility and Student Scholarships. Project Title: Tumor Perfusion Measurements: Pseudo-Continuous Arterial Spin Labelling with a Single-shot 3D GRASE Readout at 7 Tesla, PI at DKFZ, Germany: Prof. M. Bock. PI at BU: Assoc. Prof. C. Ozturk. Duration: 24 months within 2009-2011 (at its closing phase), Budget: around 20,000 €.
- TAM: Center Project for Researcher and Academician Development in ICT Field (Teleiletişim ve Enformatik Alanlarında Araştırmacı ve Akademisyen Yetiştirme Merkezi Projesi), Funding Agency: State Planning Organization, Project No: 2007K120610, PI: Prof. Ufuk Caglayan (BU CompE), Researcher: Assoc. Prof. C. Ozturk, project started on 1/2007, expected finishing date: 12/2012, Budget: around 4,000,000 $.
Recent Publications (Last 3 Years)
- Dinçer, O. Özyurt, D. Kaya, E. Koşak, C. Ozturk, C. Erzen, M. N. Pamir, “Diffusion Tensor Imaging of Guillain-Mollaret Triangle in Patients with Hypertrophic Olivary Degeneration”, Journal of Neuroimaging, 21:145-151, 2011.
- S. Isci, C. Ozturk, J. Jones, H. H. Otu, “Pathway Analysis of High-Throughput Biological Data within a Bayesian Network Framework”, Bioinformatics, 27(12): 1667-1674, 2011.
- H. Saybasili, J. A. Derbyshire, P. Kellman, M. A. Griswold, C. Ozturk, R. J. Lederman, N. Seiberlich, “RT-GROG: Parallelized Self-Calibrating GROG for Real-Time MRI”, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 64: 306-312, 2010.
- H. Saybasili, A. Z. Faranesh, C. E. Saikus, C. Ozturk, R. J. Lederman, M. A. Guttman, “Interventional MRI Using Multiple 3D Angiography Roadmaps with Real-Time Imaging”, Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 31: 1015-1019, 2010.
- K. Aydin, O. Ozmen-Okur, B. Tatli, S. G. Sarwar, C. Ozturk, C. Dilber, “Reduced Gray Matter Volume in the Frontotemporal Cortex of Patients with Early Subacute Sclerosing Panencephalitis”, American Journal of Neuroradiology, 30: 271-75, 2009.
- O. Kocaturk, C. E. Saikus, M. A. Guttman, A. Z. Faranesh, K. Ratnayaka, C. Ozturk, E. R. McVeigh, R. J. Lederman, “Whole Shaft Visibility and Mechanical Performance for Active MRI Catheters Using Copper-Nitinol Braided Polymer Tubes”, Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance, 11: 29, 2009. (doi:10.1186/1532-429X-11-29)
- O. Kocaturk, A. H. Kim, C. Saikus, M. A. Guttman, A. Z. Faranesh, C. Ozturk, R. J. Lederman, “An Active Two Channel 0.035” Guidewire for Interventional Cardiovascular MRI”, Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 30: 461-465, 2009.
- K. Ratnayaka, V. K. Raman, A. Z. Faranesh, M. Sonmez, J. H. Kim, L. F. Gutiérrez, C. Ozturk, E. R. McVeigh, M. C. Slack, R. J. Lederman, “Antegrade Percutaneous Closure of Membranous Ventricular Septal Defect using X-Ray Fused with MRI (XFM)”, JACC: Cardiovascular Interventions, 2 (3): 224-230, 2009.
- J.H. Kim, O. Kocaturk, C. Ozturk, A. Z. Faranesh, M. Sonmez, S. Sampath, C. E. Saikus, A. H. Kim, V. K. Raman, J. A. Derbyshire, W. H. Schenke, V. J. Wright, C. Berry, E. R. McVeigh, R. J. Lederman, “Mitral Cerclage Annuloplasty, A Novel Transcatheter Treatment for Secondary Mitral Valve Regurgitation, Initial Results in Swine”, JACC, 54( 7): 638-51, 2009.
(216) 516-3461
BM 501: Biology of Living Systems
BM 502: Introduction to Medical Physiology
BM 688: Special Studies (MRI: Advanced Topics)
BM 573: Cardiovascular Imaging
More information on courses could be reached at: http://bumil.boun.edu.tr/ozturk/