Rank & Status: 



B.S. university and year: Hacettepe Univ, 1999
M.S. university and year: Hacettepe Univ, 2001
Ph.D. university and year: Hacettepe Univ, 2008

Post Doctoral Fellow, Institute of Materials Science and Technology (IMT) Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, Germany, A joint project with Department of General, Visceral and Vascular Surgery, University Hospital Jena, Germany (05-08/2009)
Marie Curie Post Doctoral Fellow, Institute of Materials Science and Technology (IMT) Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, Germany (08/2008-04/2009)
Visiting Scholar, Drexel University, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Philadelphia, USA (June-July 2007).
Visiting Scholar, Drexel University, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Philadelphia, USA (Sep 2005-Sep 2006).
Associate Prof. Dr, Institute of Biomedical Engineering, Boğaziçi University, Kandilli, Istanbul, Turkey, Course BM 519 Biosensors, BM 589 Biomedical Nanostructures (09/2010-Current).
Mentor, Annual Work, Institute of Materials Science and Technology (IMT) Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, Germany, 2009.
Teaching assistant at General Chemistry Laboratory at Hacettepe University, Faculty of Science, Department of Chemical Engineering, 2004-2005/2007-2008.
Mentor, Sensors Project, Drexel University, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Philadelphia, USA, 2006.
Teaching assistant at Biochemistry Laboratory (CHEM-317) at Hacettepe University, Faculty of Science, Department of Chemistry, 2000-2007.
Teaching assistant at General Chemistry Laboratory and Organic Chemistry at Başkent University, Faculty of Engineering, 2001.
Research Areas: 
Biomimetic materials
7th Drexel University's Research Day. April 25, 2006, Honorable Mention, Poster in Basic/Applied Science, “Ordered Arrays of Silicon Nanowires by Conductive AFM Nanolithography”.
Research Projects: 

-Development of biomatrices to direct human induced pluripotent stem cells towards cardiac differentiation (BIOMICARD), TÜBİTAK-BMBF Inten-C, 2014-2017, ongoing, co-Principal Investigator with Dr. Kurt Pfannkuche from University of Cologne, Institute of Neurophysiology, Germany. 

-The effects of Surface Properties on Chondrogenic Stem Cell Differantiation, Boğaziçi University Research Fund, 07/2013, ongoing, Principal Investigator. 

-Controlled and Directed Stem Cell Differentiation of Stem Cells on Ti Surfaces, Boğaziçi University Research Fund, 07/2013, ongoing, Principal Investigator. 

-Synthesis, Characterization and Applications of Novel Amido Amino Acid Self-Assembled Molecules, TBAG, 112T564TUBITAK, ongoing, Principal Investigator. 

-Cell Culture Laboratory for Advanced Biomaterials Engineering, (12XS1), Boğaziçi University Research Fund, 05/2012-05/2013, Principal Investigator. 

-Imaging Endothelial Structure of Arterial Blood Vessels Institute of Materials Science and Technology (IMT) Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, Germany (A joint project with Department of General, Visceral and Vascular Surgery, University Hospital Jena) Research Scientist.-Solitech (Biological applications of Soft Lithography, FP6-14084, EU project) Research Scientist.


Selected Publications

1) Cinar, S., Unaleroglu, C., Ak, A., Garipcan, B., Design, synthesis and cytotoxic evaluation of β-aryl-α-dimethoxyphosphoryl-γ-lactams, Medicinal Chemistry Research 26(5), pp. 1022-1028, 2017.

2) Yılmaz, E., Garipcan, B., Patra, H.K., Uzun, L., Molecular imprinting applications in forensic science, Sensors17(4), 691, 2017. 

3) Akkan, C.K., Hür, D., Uzun, L., Garipcan, B., Amino acid conjugated self assembling molecules for enhancing surface wettability of fiber laser treated titanium surfaces, Applied Surface Science, 366, pp. 284-291, 2016.

4) Yildirim, A., Turkaydin, M., Garipcan, B., Bayindir, M., Cytotoxicity of multifunctional surfactant containing capped mesoporous silica nanoparticles, RSC Advances, 6(38), pp. 32060-32069, 2016.

5) Ateş, G.B., Ak, A., Garipcan, B., Yüksel, S., Gülsoy, M., Controversial effects of low level laser irradiation on the proliferation of human osteoblasts, Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE, 9309,930907, 2015.

6) Bora Garipcan, Stefan Maenz, Jürgen Zanow, Jörg Bossert, Utz Settmacher, and Klaus D. Jandt, Imaging Endothelial Microstructure and Endothelial Cell Dimensions, Advanced Biomaterials, (13,1-2, B3-9, 2011).

7) Garipcan, B.; Odabas, S.; Demirel, G.; Burger, J.; Nonnenmann, S.S.; Coster, T.M.; Gallo, M.E.; Nabet, B.; Spanier, J.E.; Piskin, E., In vitro Biocompatibility of n-type and Undoped Silicon Nanowires, Advanced Biomaterials, (13,1-2, B54-57, 2011).

8) David C. Trimbach, Dimitry Spitkovsky, Bora Garipcan, Sergiy Zankovych, Cornelia Böttinger, Yaki Duan, Jürgen Hescheler, Klaus D. Jandt, A Method for the Real-Time Observation of Endodermal Cell Behavior on Micropatterned Surfaces Advanced Engineering Materials, (11, 8 B106-B113, 2009).

9) Garipcan, B.; Winters, J.; Atchison, J. S.; Cathell, M. D.; Schiffman, J. D.; Leaffer, O. D.; Nonnenmann, S. S.; Schauer, C. L.; Piskin,E.; Nabet, B.; Spanier, J. E. Conductive-AFM Nanolithography on Alkene-silane Modified TiO2 Substrates, Langmuir, (Research Article) (24(16); 8944-8949, 2008).

10) Cao, L.; Garipcan, B.; Nonnenman, S.; Gallo, E.; Nabet, B.; Spanier, J. E., Excitation of Local Field Enhancement on Silicon Nanowires, Nano Lett., (8 (2), 601 -605, 2008).

11) Cao, L.; Garipcan, B.; Atchison, J. S.; Ni, C.; Nabet, B.; Spanier, J. E. Instability and Transport of Metal Catalyst in the Growth of Tapered Silicon Nanowires, Nano Lett., (Letter) (Vol. 6, No. 9, 1852-1857, 2006).

Phone Number: 

(216) 516-3458

Biological components involved in biosensors, immobilization of biological components to transducers, electrochemical, optical, piezoelectric, and thermistor based biosensors, principal performance characteristics, fabrication and biomedical applications.
Nanotechnology and Nanobiotechnology terms and definitions, Nanostructure synthesis, characterization, Nanofabrication, Protein, Cell and Tissue interactions with Nanostructures., biomedical and clinical applications of nanostructures