1. Ozkan M, Dawant BM, Maciunas RJ, Neural Network Based Segmentation of Multi Modal Medical Images: A Comparative and Prospective Study, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, vol. 12, no.3, pp. 534-544, 9/1993. (SCI)
2. Ozkan M, Dawant BM, Maciunas RJ, Neural Network Based Segmentation of Multi Modal Medical Images: A Comparative and Prospective Study, IMIA Yearbook of Medical Informatics, Schattauer Publ. Company, Ms C Kluge, W-7000, Stuttgart 10, Germany, 1994.
3. Ozkan M, K. Inoue, K. Negishi, T. Yamanaka, Defining a Neural Network Controller Structure for a Rubbertuator Robot, Neural Networks, The Official Journal of the: International Neural Network Society, European Neural Network Society, Japanese Neural Network Society, Elsevier Science, Pergamon Press, vol. 13, issue 4-5, pp. 533-544., 7/27/2000. (SCI)
4. Goker I, Ozkan M, Design of an Intraoral Artificial Larynx, IU - Journal of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, (IU - JEEE), Vol: 4. 2, pp. 1171-1176, 2004.
5. Aydın K, Çifçi K, Terzibaşıoğlu E, Ozkan M., Demirbaş A, Sencer S, Minareci O, Quantitative Proton Mr Spectroscopy Findings Of Cortıcal Reorganisatıon In The Auditory Cortex Of Musicians”, American Journal of Neuroradiology, vol. 26, pp 128 – 136, Jan 2005. (SCI)
6. Yurekli AI, Ozkan M, Kalkan T, Saybasili H, Tuncel H, Atukeren P, Gumustas K, Seker S., "GSM Base Station Electromagnetic Radiation and Oxidative Stress in Rats",Electromagn Biol Med. 2006;25(3):177-88. (SCI)
7. Günay E.N., Ozkan M, ‘Prediction of bank failures in emerging financial markets: an ANN approach”, Journal of Risk Finance, Nov 2007.
8. Akalan N.E., Ozkan M., Temelli Y, “Three-dimensional knee model: Constrained by isometric ligament bundles and experimentally obtained tibio-femoral contacts”, Journal of Biomechanics 41 (2008) 890–896 (SCI)
9. Ugurlu U; Özkan M; Özdogan H, "The development of a new orthosis (neuro-orthosis) for patients with carpal tunnel syndrome: Its effect on the function and strength of the hand", Prosthetics and Orthotics International, 32:4,403 — 421, 01 December 2008. (SCI)
10. Ülgen Y; Yardimci E; Özkan M, “A Web-based Medical Device Management System That Supports Mobile End Users”, The Journal on Information Technology in Healthcare, Volume: 7 issue: 2 Apr 01,09
11. Duru DG, Özkan M, “Determination of Neural Fiber Connections Based on Data Structure Algorithm,” Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, Volume 2010 Article ID 251928 (2010)
Book Chapter:
Maciunas RJ, Eisert D, Ozkan M, Dawson R, Improved Arteriovenous Malformation (AVM) Nidus Definition by Arterial Injection Computed Tomography (AICT): An Adjunctive Localization Tool for Stereo-tactic Radio surgery, In Stereo-tactic Radio surgery Update, Book Chapter 21, Edited by Elsevier Science Publishing Co., 1992.
International Oral Presentations
- Dilek Göksel Duru, Mehmed Özkan, “Determination of Neural Fiber Connections Based on Data Structure Algorithm,” 7th NFSI & ICBEM, Engineering Faculty of the University of Rome “Sapienza”, Rome, 29 - 31 May 2009,
- Ozkan M., IEEE Member, Akalan N.E., Temelli Y., “Interaction of Ligament Bundles and Articular Contacts for the Simulation of Passive Knee Flexion”, (Sözlü Sunum), 29th IEEE EMBS Annual International Conference, Lyon, Fransa, 23-27 Ağustos 2007.
- Özkan M, Akalan NE, Temelli Y, “Passive Knee Motion Model: Femur Shape Constrained with Ligament Bundles” (Poster), 4th International Biomechanics of the Lower Limb in Health Disease & Rehabilitation at the University of Salford, UK, Oct 3-5, 2007.
- E. Akalan, M. Ozkan, Y. Temelli: Bağ Doku Tutturma Yerlerinin ve Kemik Şekillerinin Pasif Diz Hareketine Etkisi, Sinyal İşleme ve İletişim Uygulamaları Kurultayı (SIU 2007), sözel bildiri, 11-13 Haziran 2007, Eskişehir
- E. Akalan, M. Ozkan, Y. Temelli: The effect of shape variables of tibial plateau on tibio-femoral movement based on a three-dimensional anatomical dynamic model, sözlü bildiri, The Second International Workshop on Biosignal Processing and Classification - "Biosignals and Sensing for Human Computer Interface" ( BPC 2006), August 2006 ,Porteque Setubal.
- E. Akalan, M. Ozkan, Y. Temelli: Three dimensional dynamic model with different tibial plateau shapes: Analyzing tibio-femoral movement, ICCAI Joint Disease Workshop 2006, poster sunumu, 1-5 Ekim Danimarka-Kophenag.
- Agus O, Ozkan M, Aydin K, Sahinbas M, Sencer S, Evaluation of Hemodynamic MR Images, 27th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC05), Shanghai, China, September 1-4, 2005
- Özkan M, Ülgen Y, “Medical Instrument Management Network”, IPSI-2005: Symposium on Challenges in the Internet and Interdisciplinary Research, France, 23-26 April, 2005.
- Özkan M, “Participating in establishing and maintaining hospital quality assurance, safety standards and environmental control”, Conference on Best Practices For: Planning, Procurement & Management of Healthcare Technology, Invited Speaker, Dubai , 28 – 31 March, 2004
- Özkan M, “Performing pre-commissioning of newly purchased equipment and implements Preventive Maintenance procedures”, Conference on Best Practices For: Planning, Procurement & Management of Healthcare Technology, Invited Speaker, Dubai , 28 – 31 March, 2004
- Yürekli A.İ., Özkan M., Şeker S, Kalkan T., Saybaşılı H., “Dosimetry Measurement and Computation of an Experiment Setup DEVELOPED for Base Transceiver Station Exposure”, 2nd International Symposium on Biological Effects of EM Fields, Rhodes, Greece, 7-11 October, 2002.
- Göksel D., Özkan M., Öztürk C., “Cardiac Motion Analysis in MRI for Classification”, 2002 IEEE International Symposium on Biomedial Imaging”, Washington, DC USA, July 7-10, 2002.
- Göksel D., Özkan M., Öztürk C., “Rapid Classification of Tagged Cardiac MR Images”, ISMRM: International Society for Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Tenth Scientific Metting and Exhibition, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 18-24 May 2002.
- Bozkurt B., M. Ozkan, A TD-PSOLA Based Turkish Text-to-Speech For Visually Impaired, IŞIK 2000 Workshop on Biomedical Information Engineering, Işık Universitesi, İstanbul, 6/25-27/2000.
- Şayan M, M. Ozkan, H.Ö. Gülçür, Design and Implementation of Microprocessor-Controlled Single Channel Functional Electrical Stimulator, IŞIK 2000 Workshop on Biomedical Information Engineering, Işık Universitesi, İstanbul, 6/25-27/2000.
- Ozkan M, Öztoprak U Tissue Temperature Based Magnetic Resonance Image Segmentation, Proceedings of the First Joint BMES/IEEE-EMBS Conference, Serving Humanity Advancing Technology, vol 2, pp. 1068, Atlanta, GA, USA, 10/13-16/1999.
- Öztoprak U., Ozkan M, Tissue Temperature Monitoring Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 2nd International Biomedical Engineering Days Conference, IEEE-EMBS, Istanbul, Turkey, 3/20-22/1998.
- Yürekli A. İ., Ozkan M., Üstüner F., Electro-Magnetic Compatibility Tests on Hearing Aids, EMC98, 14th International Wroclaw Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Polish Academy of Sciences, Wroclaw, Poland, 6/23-25/1998
- Ozkan M., Maciunas RJ., Eisert D., Efficient Stereotactic Radiosurgery Planning for Irregularly Shaped Intracranial Lesions, 19th Annual International Conference of the IEEE-EMBS, Chicago IL, USA, 10/30-11/2, 1997.
- Ozkan M., Real Time Modeling of A Robot Dynamics: To be or not to be a neural network, Invited, Muroran, Hokkaido, Japan, 4/27-28/1996.
- Ozkan M, Maciunas RJ, Eisert D, Automatic Planning for Stereotactic Radio Surgery, International Conference on Intelligent Autonomous Systems, Karlsruhe, Germany 3/27-30/1995.
- Ozkan M, A Pneumatic Robot Control Scheme Based on Artificial Neural Network Technology, International Conference on Intelligent Autonomous Systems, Karlsruhe, Germany, 3/ 27-30/1995.
- Dawant BM, Ozkan M, Zijdenbos A, Margolin R, A Computer Environment for 2D and 3D Quantification of MR Images Using Neural Networks, Proceedings of the 1991 IEEE/EMBS Conference, Orlando, FL., 10/1991 (invited).
- Dawant BM, Margolin RA, Ozkan M, Aramata H, Kawamura K, A Neural Network Approach to the Detection of White Matter Lesions in Magnetic Resonance Images, Proceedings of the 9th. Annual Meeting of the Society of Magnetic Resonance Images in Medicine, Vol1, pp 99, New York, August 1990.
- Ozkan M, Sprenkels HG, Dawant BM, Multi-Spectral Magnetic Resonance Image Segmentation Using Neural Networks, IJCNN90, International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, San Diego, CA USA, 1990.
- Dawant BM, Ozkan M, Sprenkels HG, Fitzpatrick JM, Aramata H, A Comparison of Maximum Likelihood and Neural Network Classifiers for MRI Tissue Characterization, IPMI Conference, 1990.
- Dawant BM, Ozkan M, Sprenkels HG, Aramata H, Kawamura K, Margolin RA, A Neural Network Approach to Magnetic Resonance Imaging Tissue Characterization, BILCON90, Ankara, Turkey, 1990.
- Ozkan M, Fitzpatrick JM, Kawamura K, Image Registration for A Transputer-Based Distributed System, The Second International Conference on Industrial and Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems, Tullohoma, TN, 1989.
- Fitzpatrick JM, Pickens DR, Chang H, Ge Y, Ozkan M, Geometrical Transformation of Density Image, SPIE, Science and Engineering of Medical Imaging, Newport Beach, CA USA, 1989.
- Margolin R, Dawant B, Ozkan M, Zijdenbos A, Ge Y, Semi-Automatic Characterization of MRI White Matter Lesions in Dementia, 29 th Annual Meeting of American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, USA, 12/1990.
- Ari N, Ozkan M, Seker SS, Morgul A, Electromagnetic Shielding of Houses, MELECON 94, 7th Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference, Antalya, Turkiye, 4/1994.
- H. Liu, K. Kawamura, S. Narayanan, G. Zang, H. Franke, M. Ozkan and H. Arima, Development of a Task-Level Robot Programming and Simulation System, NASA Conference Publication 2492, pp.143-149, Huntsville Alabama, 11/1987.
- M. Ozkan, "Neural Networks: Three Case Studies", invited, The University of Aizu, School of Computer Science and Engineering, Aizu, Japonya, 2/10/1994.
International Posters:
- Duru, D.G. Ozkan, M., “Fiber tracking based on unsupervised learning,” NER '09 - 4th International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering, April 29 -May 2 2009, Antalya.
- E. Burteçin Aksel, Mehmed Özkan, Orhan Barlas, “Atlas Guided Neurosurgery”, 1st International IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering, Kapri-İtalya, ISBN: 0-7803-7819-9, 20-22 Mart 2003.
- Kulekci M.O., M. Özkan, “Turkish Word Segmentation Using Morphological Analyzer”, Eurospeech, 2001 – Scandinavia, Aalborg, Denmark, September 3-7, 2001.
- D. Goksel, M. Ozkan, C. Ozturk, “Towards Rapid Screening Of Tagged Mr Images Of The Heart”, 23rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, İstanbul-Turkey, October 25-28, 2001.
- A.Usta 1 , M. Ozkan 2, “An Automated Real Time Capillary Viscometer”, 23rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, İstanbul-Turkey, October 25-28, 2001.
- E.B.Aksel 1 ,M.Ozkan 1 , O.Barlas 2, “Atlas Guided Neurosurgery”, 23rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, İstanbul-Turkey, October 25-28, 2001.
- B. Buyuksarac, M. Ozkan, “Image Segmentation In MRI Using True T1 And True Pd Values”, 23rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, İstanbul-Turkey, October 25-28, 2001.
- Sprenkels HG, Ozkan M, Dawant B, Image Display and Analysis System:MIDAS, SPIE, London, UK, 1991.
- Ozkan M., Yürekli A.İ., Electromagnetic Compatibility in Biomedical Engineering; Case Study: Digital Mobile Phone Interference on Hearing Aids, URSI-IEEE Conference: Scientific Meeting on Electromagnetics in Medicine, Chicago, IL, USA, Nov 3-5, 1997.
- Burşuk E, Ozkan M, İlerigelen B, A Medical Expert System In Cardiological Disease, Proceedings of the First Joint BMES/IEEE-EMBS Conference, Serving Humanity Advancing Technology, vol 2, pp. 1068, pp. 1210, Atlanta, GA, USA, October 13-16, 1999.
National Conferences
- Göker İ, Ozkan M, “Total Laranjektomili Hastaların Ses Rehabilitasyonu için İntraoral Yapay Larenks elektronik Sistemi”, BİYOMUT 99 Biyomedikal Ulusal Toplantısı, Kayseri, Sabancı Kültür Sitesi, 27-29 October 1999.
- M. Ozkan, “Spektroskopik MR Görüntüleme Prensipleri”, invited, VII. Ulusal Medikal Fizik Kongresi, DEU, EU, TAEK, MFD, TUBITAK, İzmir, Turkey, November 11-13, 1999.
- Kaynak B., Ozkan M., Quadriplejiklerde Elde Kavrama Hareketinin Kazandırılmasında Fonksiyonel Elektriksel Uyarı Sistemleri, BİYOMUT 98, Biyo-Medikal Mühendisliği Ulusal Toplantısı, İstanbul, 12-13. October 1998.
- Öztaş E., Sümengan B., Yılmaz Ç., Sankur B., Yıldırım M., Ozkan M., Bilgisayar Destekli Sefalometrik Şekil Analizi, BİYOMUT 98, Biyo-Medikal Mühendisliği Ulusal Toplantısı, İstanbul, 12-13. October 1998.
- Yürekli A.İ., Ozkan M., Ülgen Y., Akdaş F., Külekçi S., İşitme Cihazlarının Cep Telefonlarıyla elektromanyetik Uyumluluğu, BİYOMUT 97, Biyo-Medikal Mühendisliği Ulusal Toplantısı, İstanbul, vol 1., pp 118-121, 13-14 October 1997.
- Yürekli A.İ., Ozkan M., Avrupa Birliğinde Tıbbi Cihazlarla İlgili Düzenlemeler, BİYOMUT 97, Biyo-Medikal Mühendisliği Ulusal Toplantısı, İstanbul, vol 1., pp 166-171, 13-14 October 1997.
- Yürekli A.İ., M. Ozkan, S. Külekçi, B. Karaböce, F. Akdaş, Y. Ülgen, İşitme Cihazı – Cep Telefonu Etkileşimi İçin Elektromanyetik Uyumluluk Testleri, 4. Ulusal Akustik Kongresi, Kaş-Antalya, v 1, pp. 67-76, 29-31 October 1998.
- Matur F., Kavaslar C.C., Ozkan M., NMR Görüntüleriyle Doku sınıflandırma Teknikleri, SIU Konferansı, Kuşadası-İzmir, v 1, pp. 137-142, 1-3 May, 1997.
- Ekşi D., Ozkan M., Stereotaksik Tedavi Planlama Sistemleri, SIU Konferansı, Kuşadası-İzmir, v 1, pp. 119-124, May 1-3, 1997.
- Matur F., Kavaslar C.C., Ozkan M., Nükleer Manyetik Resonance Görüntüleriyle Doku Sınıflandırma Teknikleri, BİYOMUT 95, Biyo-Medikal Mühendisliği Ulusal Toplantısı, İstanbul, v 1, pp.26-30, Dec1995.
- Dilek Göksel Duru ve Mehmed Özkan, “Özyineli Yığıt Veri Yapısı Kullanılarak Yolak Takibi,” 14. Biyomedikal Mühendisliği Ulusal Toplantısı, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, Balçova, İzmir, 20-24 Mayıs 2009