
2024-...  Meme Kanserinde Mikrodalga Dinamik Terapi ve Kombine Tedavi Stratejilerinin Araştırılması (65.000 USD), Principal Investigator Assist. Prof. Mustafa Kemal Ruhi.

2023- 2024 Development of a Surgical Laser System that Detects Tumor Tissue Using LIBS and Tumor Labeling (67.000 USD), Principal Investigator Assist. Prof. Mustafa Kemal Ruhi.

2022-2024 Endogenous photosensitizer and potassium iodide-mediated photodynamic therapy against antibiotic resistant bacteria (16.000 USD), Principal Investigator Principal Investigator Assist. Prof. Mustafa Kemal Ruhi.

2022-2023 Investigation of the Efficacy of Photodynamic Therapy Methods Using Nanocarriers in Common Cancer Types (6.000 USD), Principal Investigator Prof. Dr. Murat Gülsoy.

2021-2023 The Development of Fiber Optic Based Biosensor for the Detection of Protein Aggregations Boğaziçi University Research Fund (5.500 USD), Principal Investigator Prof. Dr. Murat Gülsoy.

2020-2021 Development of Photodynamic Therapy with Upconversion Nanoparticles in Colon Cancer. Boğaziçi University Research Fund (7.800 USD), Principal Investigator Prof. Dr. Murat Gülsoy.

2019-2021 Indocyanine Green (ICG) Loaded Gold Nanorods for Antimicrobial Sonodynamic Therapy, Boğaziçi University Research Fund (7.750 USD) , Principal Investigator Prof. Dr. Murat Gülsoy.

2017-2018 Comparing the Effect of Acid and Laser Etching on Bacterial Colonization on Enamel Surface After Debonding Ceramic Barckets, Boğaziçi University Research Fund (11.500 USD), Principal Investigator Prof. Dr. Murat Gülsoy.

2016-2019 Development of Nanoparticles Aided ICG-Photodynamic Therapy of Cancer, Boğaziçi University Research Fund (23.000 USD), Principal Investigator Prof. Dr. Murat Gülsoy.

2015-2016 Investigation of the Cancer Treatment with ICG and Laser Application (ICG-PDT), Boğaziçi University Research Fund (11.500 USD), Principal Investigator Prof. Dr. Murat Gülsoy.

2014-2016 Design and Development of a Non-contact Temperature Controlled Surgical Laser System Using Infrared MEMS Sensor Technology, Boğaziçi University Research Fund (19.000 USD), Principal Investigator Prof. Dr. Murat Gülsoy.

2013-2016 The effect of low level laser therapy on human primer osteoblast and bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells proliferation and differentiation processes, TUBITAK Research Project (98.000 USD), Principal Investigator Prof. Dr. Murat Gülsoy.

2013-2014 Laser Sterilization Technique for Root Canal Treatment: Investigating the Tm:fiber Laser, Bogazici University Research Fund (16.700 USD), Principal Investigator Prof. Dr. Murat Gülsoy.

2012-2014 Photothermal Effects of Infrared Lasers:The Removal of Brain Tissue by Stereotaxic Surgery, Bogazici University Research Fund (31.000 USD), Principal Investigator Prof. Dr. Murat Gülsoy.

2012-2014 Investigation of Antibacterial Photodynamic Therapy Techniques TUBITAK Research Project (135.000 USD), Principal Investigator Prof. Dr. Murat Gülsoy.

2011-2012 Measuring the Optical Properties of Human Gynecological Tissues in vitro TUBITAK Research Project (19.250 USD), Principal Investigator Prof. Dr. Murat Gülsoy.

2011-2012 Investigation of a Novel Photodynamic Laser Application in vitro, Bogazici University Research Fund (19.300 USD), Principal Investigator Prof. Dr. Murat Gülsoy.

2011-2012 Etching Enamel Surface with Laser, Bogazici University Research Fund (19.500 USD), Principal Investigator Prof. Dr. Murat Gülsoy.

2007-2010 Design and Development of Tm:YAP Surgical Laser System, TUBITAK Research Project (218.000 USD), Principal Investigator Prof. Dr. Murat Gülsoy.

2007-2009 Effects of Low Level Infrared Lasers on the Proliferation of Fibroblast Cells, Bogazici University Research Fund (12.000 USD), Principal Investigator Prof. Dr. Murat Gülsoy.

2005-2007 Tissue Welding with Infrared Lasers: Development of a Temperature Controlled Tissue Welding System and Investigation of the Optimal Parameters, TÜBITAK Research Project (70.000 USD), Principal Investigator Prof. Dr. Murat Gülsoy.

2004-2006 Development of a Laser System for Photodynamic Therapy, Bogazici University Research Fund (20.000 USD), Principal Investigator Prof. Dr. Murat Gülsoy.

2001-2002 Foundation of Tissue Characterization Laboratory for Laser-Tissue Interactions and Invastigation of Optical Properties of Brain Tissues, supported by Bogazici University Research Fund (25.000 USD), Principal Investigator Prof. Dr. Murat Gülsoy.

1999-2000 Investigation of Modulation Effect in Laser-Tissue Interaction, supported by I.T.U. Research Fund (1000 USD) - investigator Prof. Dr. Murat Gülsoy

1997-2000 Computer Controlled System Design to Investigate Optical and Thermal Aspects of Laser-Tissue Interactions, a three-year, US$ 120.000 project supported in part by the Turkish State Planning Organization (Devlet Planlama Teşkilat, DPT) and in part by ITÜ Research Activities Secretariat (Araştırma Etkinlikleri Sekreteryası, AES) - investigator Prof. Dr. Murat Gülsoy

1996-1998 Investigation of Lesion Formation Techniques in Brain Tissue using an Er:YAG Laser, a two-year project supported by Mitra Inc./Teknofil Ltd. and BÜ, with participants from Bogaziçi University (BÜ) and ITÜ along with Mitra Inc./Teknofil Ltd. - investigator Prof. Dr. Murat Gülsoy