The Board of Rectors Meetings of NeurotechEU in Reykjavik!

Boğaziçi University (BOUN) is leading NeurotechEU's Policy and Strategy Development efforts shaping current and future research, innovation and education in neurotechnology. In the Board of Rectors meetings of NeurotechEU in Reykjavik these issues were thoroughly discussed:

The key focus is on Translational Innovation and Sustainable Regional Development and the aim is not only to foster technological research & innovation, but also to combine them with societal innovation to make an impact on our societies and regions at large. Components of and contributors to this work include:

(i) Smart Specialization (translational innovations and sustainable regional development): BOUN Begüm Özkaynak Ortaköylüoglu, Irem Daloglu Cetinkaya, Cem İskender Aydın, Daniela Schulz, Pınar Senay Özbay, Arzu Celik, Sinan Öncü, Emre Ugur, Volkan Ozguz, NeurotechEU partners Sandra Speer, christine useille, Mathew Birdsall Abrams, Anna Sigríður Islind, Olof Vigdis Ragnarsdottir, Antoine Wellink, RTTP, Mario Ortiz, Tonia Salinas Miralles.

(ii) Understanding Societal Challenges (what our societies consider as challenge, which technologies they approve for solutions and which are ethical): BOUN Daniela Schulz, Ceylan Engin, Begüm Özkaynak Ortaköylüoglu, NeurotechEU partners Martin Reuter, Emin Altintas, Mark Slors, Maria Del Carmen Lillo Navarro, Bryndís Björk Ásgeirsdóttir, Emma Hägg.

(iii) Lifelong learning for Sociotechnological Citizenship: BOUN Yasemin Bayyurt, Esin Ozturk Isik, Necati Aras, NeurotechEU partners Mathew Birdsall Abrams, Sandrine Bonnet, Aurelia L. Roman, PhD, Ásgeir Jónsson.