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Can Yücesoy and Duygu Ege are in the Elsevier/Stanford University list of 2023 World's Top 2% Scientists & BME members got TÜRKPATENT ISIF’24 Awards
In the "2023 World's Top 2% Scientists" list, published in collaboration with Elsevier and Stanford University, Can Yücesoy and Duygu Ege were included. This ranking is based on objective criteria such as the number of qualified publications, citation counts, number of patents, h-index, and hm-index of academics. You can access the full list here.
TÜRKPATENT ISIF’24 Awards, determined in collaboration with the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), and the International Federation of Inventors' Associations (IFIA), were presented at the 9th International Invention Fair organized by the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office.
Prof. Dr. Can Yücesoy, a faculty member of the Biomedical Engineering Department, and researcher Cemre Su Kaya were awarded medals for their work titled "A Drug For Use in the Treatment of Muscle Spasticity by Chemical Muscle Denervation."
Faculty members from the Institute of Biomedical Engineering, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Özgür Kocatürk and Prof. Dr. Albert Güveniş, along with Dr. Sefa Zülfikar, were awarded medals for their work titled "A Novel Mouthpiece Device Design for the Treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome."