
Research / Research Laboratories / Cellular Imaging & Electrophysiology

Research Areas

Neuronal Plasticity Activities
Neurodegenerative Diseases and Hippocampus
Excitotoxicity and Free Radical Generation
Cellular and Molecular Imaging in "in vitro" Brain Slices
Somatotopic Organization of Kinesthetic Cells in Globus Pallidus Interna


Past Research Projects

Foundation of Molecular and Cellular Imaging Laboratory (Moleküler ve Hücresel Görüntüleme Laboratuvarı Alt Yapı Projesi) supported by Bogazici University Research Fund - principal investigator

Investigation of an Alzheimer‘s Disease Model in Rat by Behavioral, Immunohistochemical and Electrophysiological Methods (Sıçanda bir Alzheimer Hastalıðı Modelinin Davranışsal, ımmünohistokimyasal ve Elektrofizyolojik Yöntemlerle ıncelenmesi) supported by Bogazici University Research Fund - investigator

Generation of Reactive Oxygen Species and Nitric Acid in Experimental Alzheimer Disease Model and their Role in Apoptosis/Necrosis (Deneysel Alzheimer Hastalıðı Modelinde Reaktif Oksijen Türleri ve Nitrik Asitin Hasar Oluşturucu Etkileri ile Apoptoz/Nekroz Oluşumundaki Rollerinin ıncelenmesi) supported by Marmara University Research Fund - investigator

Generation of Reactive Oxygen Species and Nitric Acid in Experimental Huntington Disease Model and their Role in Apoptosis/Necrosis (Deneysel Huntington Hastalıðı Modelinde Reaktif Oksijen Türleri ve Nitrik Asitin Hasar Oluşturucu Etkileri ile Apoptoz/Nekroz Oluşumundaki Rollerinin ıncelenmesi) supported by Marmara University Research Fund - investigator

Patch clamp Tight-seal Whole Cell Recording of Spontaneous and Miniature Current Activities from Rat Living Hippocampal Slices and Change Observed during Cardiac Arrest ( Sıçan Beyni Canlı Hipokampal Kesitlerinden Spontan ve Minyatür Akım Aktivitelerinin Tek Hücre Düzeyinde Ölçülmesi ve Bu Aktivitelerde Kalp Durması Koşullarında Oluşan Deðişikliðin Gözlenmesi) supported by Bogazici University Research Fund- principal investigator