Hücresel Görüntüleme & Electrofizyoloji Laboratuvarı

Research / Research Laboratories / Cellular Imaging & Electrophysiology

Cellular Imaging and Electrophysiology Laboratory

Prof. Dr. Yusuf Tan
Prof. Dr. Hale Saybasili

Electrophysiological recordings from brain slice cells and imaging of intracellular ionic movements are accomplished. Also mechanisms of pathological and pharmocological approaches are studied.



"in vitro" whole-cell patch clamp and intracellular imaging of ionic movements 
Calcium and fluoresence imaging


Present Research Projects

  1. Designing in vitro neurodegeneration models on acute rat hippocampal and neocortical slices and investigating the neural disfunction and possible treatment methods by electrophysiology, fluorescence imaging and histology (In vitro nörodejenerasyon modellerinin sıçan beyni akut neokorteks ve hipokampus kesitleri kullanılarak oluşturulması ve nöronal disfonksiyonun elektrofizyoloji, floresans görüntüleme ve immünohistokimya yöntemleri ile incelenerek olası tedavi yöntemlerinin araştırılması).  Supported by Bogazici University Research Fund,  TUBITAK - BIDEB.
  2. Attempt to form the neurodevelopmental degeneration model in rodents (MSc Thesis Project)




Op. Dr. Ali Zırh, MedicalPark Hospital, Bahçelievler, İstanbul, Turkey.
Dr. Simon Schultz, Impeial College London, London, UK.