Daniela SCHULZ

Rank & Status: 

Associate Professor


BA: Boğaziçi University 1996
MS: Boğaziçi University 1998
PhD: University of Düsseldorf, Germany 2005
Post-doc: University of Düsseldorf, Germany 2005 – 2006
Post-doc: Brookhaven National Laboratory, NY, USA 2006 – 2011
Research Assistant Professor: Stony Brook University, NY, USA 2011 – 2014

Visiting Assistant Professor: Yale University, CT, USA 2013 – 2014

Assistant Professor: Yeditepe University 2014 – 2018

Assistant Professor: Boğaziçi University 2018 – 2020

Associate Professor: Boğaziçi University 2020 – Present


Born and raised in Germany, my first degree is the Abitur (Max-Planck Gymnasium Düsseldorf).  Following a short stint in Rome, Italy, I moved to Istanbul to study Psychology at Boğaziçi University.  I received my B.A in 1996, and M.A. in Psychological Sciences in 1998 (thesis advisor Prof. Dr. Reşit Canbeyli).  I pursued my Ph.D. in Behavioral Neuroscience at the Institute of Physiological Psychology (now Center for Behavioral Neuroscience) at Heinrich-Heine Universität Düsseldorf, and graduated in 2005 (Doktorvater Prof. Dr. Joseph P. Huston).  Following a short post-doc (1.5 years) at my alma mater, I continued my training in the Medical Department (later Biosciences) at Brookhaven National Laboratory in Long Island, NY.  I became Senior Research Scientist and Research Assistant Professor in the Department of Neurobiology and Behavior at Stony Brook University, NY in 2011, and conducted research at the Yale PET Center between 2013-2014.  I returned to Istanbul in 2014 to take on a teaching position in the Psychology Department at Yeditepe University.  Wishing to pursue my passion for interdisciplinary research in the area of neuro-engineering, behavioral neuroimaging, and method development in biobehavioral research, I found my new (and old!) home at the Institute of Biomedical Engineering, Boğaziçi University, in 2018. 



While my longest history is in basic neuroscience research (refer to sections starting in bold below), I have recently developed an interest in human research as well.  In one project, I collaborate with my European partners from project H2020 MSCA-RISE-iNavigate on “The Downtown Üsküdar Study”.  As the name implies, we chose a unique place to study human navigation in a highly populated, complex, and ever-changing environment.  Also, see https://inavigate-eu.bogazici.edu.tr/, formerly https://www.inavigate.eu/, for more information about iNavigate.  I am also the project lead for a trans-national study which I run together with other researchers from The NeurotechEU (https://theneurotech.eu/) to better understand our nations’ perspectives on neuro-technological advances, specifically, their needs for, interests in, access to, knowledge of and trust in neuro-technologies, and whether these should be regulated.  Previously, I have developed a behavioral tool, the “Cognitive Effort Task” or “CoEffrT”, and a questionnaire called HEFFORT to study motivation in humans. 

Associated grants:

873178 H2020-MSCA-RISE-2019                            
Schulz (CO) 15/7/23 – Present
Schulz (Acting CO) Jan 2023 – 14/7/23                                                                
‘Brain-inspired technologies for intelligent navigation and mobility (iNavigate)’
To bring together behavioral scientists, neuroscientists, computer scientists, and roboticists, residing in the EU/AC and the USA, to conduct joint research on intelligent navigation.
Role: Coordinator, PI

EPP-EUR-UNIV-2020-101004080 - WP6 Societal Innovation subgroup project                      
Schulz (PI) 10/2021 – Present 
‘Understanding societal challenges: a NeurotechEU perspective’  
A trans-national study with the goal to understand societal perspectives on neuro-technological advances.
Role: PI

Associated papers:

Schulz, D., Lillo-Navarro, C., Slors, M., Hrabeczy, A., Gustafsson, K., Reuter, M. (2023).  Understanding societal challenges: a NeurotechEU perspective.  Frontiers in Neuroscience, submitted. 

Bilgen, G., Tanriverdi, D., Schulz, D. (2022). Predicting cognitive effort: role of mental energy, performance feedback, arithmetic skill, and caffeine.  Advance.  Preprint available at: https://doi.org/10.31124/advance.20738347.v2


In the press:

https://theneurotech.eu/visit-of-inavigate-to-neurotecheu-partner-bogazi... (iNavigate visits NeurotechEU partner Boğaziçi University)

https://haberler.boun.edu.tr/en/news/bogazici-university-becomes-member-... (Boğaziçi University becomes member of iNavigate consortium)



Currently, I am a researcher associated with the TÜBITAK 1004 Center of Excellence Support Program “Neurotechnological Solutions Platform (Project P11)” in which our research aims to atlas the female aging rat brain using PET/CT, MRI, and behavior (https://ntcp.bogazici.edu.tr/tr).  If you are interested in joining, please contact me (JOB ALERT: I am hiring 2 PhD students under this project).  Previously, I have developed the method of behavioral neuroimaging to allow for PET scanning during behavior and, thus, exploration of the ways that dynamic and transient behaviors are reflected in PET data.  To achieve this, we developed a miniature PET scanner called RatCAP that attaches to the rat’s head via a magnetic catch, a pendular support structure that allows for movement of the rat wearing the scanner, a robust catheter implant that allows for constant infusion of the radiotracer during behavior, and methods to correlate the PET and behavioral data across time (see Fig.1. The RatCAP).  We adapted the methods for use with reversible tracers, 11C-raclopride and 11C-PHNO, in studies of spontaneous and sexual behavior, and for use with 18F-FDG in a dynamic-like, multi-injection protocol.  We also employed the RatCAP to scan the brains of starling birds during flight.  Finally, I conducted a 1H-MRS study at 9.4 T in which we scanned the hippocampus and frontal cortex of rats that were selectively bred for helplessness.

Fig. 1. The RatCAP.  Top row: A high spatial resolution (< 2 mm across FOV) 3D-PET scanner allowing a wide range of motion.  Its weight (ca. 250 g) is supported by a ~1 m long spring-loaded, linear telescoping structure that pivots at the top and permits movement with almost all six rotational and translational degrees of freedom.  Bottom row: Brain images generated with the RatCAP system show specific uptake of 11C-raclopride, a dopamine D2 receptor tracer, in the striatum of a spontaneously behaving rat.  From left to right, coronal and axial views are shown.

Associated grants:

Yücesoy (CO), Öztürk-Isik (PI) 15/5/23 – Present
‘Small animal imaging application and innovation platform for the detection of aging in the brain and musculoskeletal system’ (P11) 
To atlas the female aging rat brain using PET/CT, MRI, and behavior.
Role: Researcher

1457181 National Science Foundation (NSF)
Balanoff (PI), Norell (co-PI) 4/1/15 – 11/30/17
‘Unraveling the deep history of avian neurological complexity: Implications for the origins of flight and organization of the modern avian brain’
Determine brain functions associated with flight in birds.
Role: Collaborator

R21DA029245 National Institutes of Health (NIH/NIDA)
Schulz (PI) 3/2/11 – 8/31/14
‘PET imaging in behaving animals: A new research paradigm for neuroscience’
Integrate PET using the RatCAP scanner with the simultaneous study of behavior.
Role: PI

Associated papers:

Gold, M.E.L., Norell, M., Budassi, M., Vaska, P., Schulz, D. (2018).  Rapid 18F-FDG uptake in brain of awake, behaving rat and anesthetized chicken has implications for behavioral PET studies in species with high metabolisms.  Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience12, 115.

Gold, M.E.L., Schulz, D., Budassi, M., Gignac, P.M., Vaska, P., Norell, M.A. (2016).  Flying starlings, PET and the evolution of volant dinosaurs.  Current Biology26(7), R265-267.

Schulz, D., Vaska, P. (2011).  Integrating PET with behavioral neuroscience using RatCAP tomography.  Reviews in the Neurosciences22(6), 647-655.

Maramraju, S.H., Smith, S.D., Junnarkar, S.S., Schulz, D., Stoll, S., Ravindranath, B., Purschke, M., Rescia, S., Southekal, S.S., Pratte, J.-F., Vaska, P., Woody, C.L., Schlyer, D.J. (2011).  Small animal simultaneous PET/MRI: Initial experiences in a 9.4 T microMRI.  Physics in Medicine & Biology, 56(8), 2459-2480.

Schulz, D., Southekal, S., Junnarkar, S.S., Pratte, J.-F., Purschke, M.L., Stoll, S.P., Ravindranath, B., Maramraju, S.H., Krishnamoorthy, S., Henn, F.A., Woody, C.L., Schlyer, D.J., Vaska, P. (2011).  Simultaneous assessment of rodent behavior and neurochemistry using a miniature positron emission tomograph.  Nature Methods8(4), 347-352.

In the press (selected):

https://www.bnl.gov/newsroom/news.php?a=111235 (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
https://www.eurekalert.org/features/doe/2017-05/dnl-ab051817.php (EurekAlert by the AAAS)
https://www.nature.com/news/2011/110313/full/news.2011.155.html (Nature News)
https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2011/03/brain-scanner-accessory (Science)
https://www.nytimes.com/2011/03/15/science/15obpet.html (New York Times)
https://www.economist.com/babbage/2011/03/14/if-the-ratcap-fits (The Economist)
https://www.wissenschaft.de/technik-digitales/blick-ins-gehirn/ (Bild der Wissenschaft)
https://www.n-tv.de/wissen/RatCAP-erleichtert-Forschung-article2826486.html (n-tv)
https://sciencev2.orf.at/stories/1678576/index.html (ORF)
https://www.focus.de/wissen/natur/wissenschaft-tragbarer-mini-hirnscanner-fuer-ratten-entwickelt_aid_608323.html (Focus)



Currently, I am employing the 6-OHDA-induced hemi-Parkinson (hPD) rat model to test a new treatment approach that loops deep brain stimulation in with behavior.  Previously, I have selectively bred and studied a rat model of congenital helplessness, and co-developed an extinction-induced despair (EID) model which views operant extinction, induced by the withdrawal of expected reward, as a source of stress and despair.  I have also studied the old rat as an animal model of human aging. 

Associated grants:

15981 BAP Start-Up
Schulz (PI) 20/5/20 – 19/5/23    
‘Experience-driven (ed)-DBS to improve motor symptoms in the hemiparkinson rat model’
To test the feasibility of a new treatment approach (ed-DBS), in which deep brain stimulation is tailored to specific learning experiences involving S-S* contingencies.   
Role: PI

HU 306/27-2 German Research Foundation (DFG)
Huston (PI) 2/25/09 – 3/1/12
‘Extinction-induced behavioral ‘despair’ in the water maze: Toward an animal model of depression’ (renewal)
To further validate the extinction-induced despair model of depression.
Role: Significant Contributor

HU 306/27-1 German Research Foundation (DFG)
Huston (PI) 6/7/05 – 12/6/06
‘Extinction-induced behavioral ‘despair’ in the water maze: Toward an animal model of depression’
Validate a new animal model of depression, which at its core views extinction of learned adaptive behavior to be a major cause for altered mood states.   
Role: Author and Key Investigator

Associated papers (selected):

Schulz, D. (2020). Depression development: From lifestyle changes to motivational deficits. Behavioural Brain Research, 395, 112845. doi: 10.1016/j.bbr.2020.112845.

Schulz, D. (2016).  Seasonal effects of the monoamine oxidase inhibitor deprenyl but not the tricyclic antidepressant imipramine in rats bred for helplessness.  Medical Science & Discovery3(8), 312-316.

Schulz, D., Henn, F.A., Petri, D., Huston, J.P. (2016).  Rats bred for helplessness exhibit positive reinforcement learning deficits which are not alleviated by an antidepressant dose of the MAO-B inhibitor deprenyl.  Neuroscience329, 83-92.

Mirrione, M.M., Schulz, D., Lapidus, K., Zhang, S., Goodman, W., Henn, F.A. (2014).  Increased metabolic activity in the septum and habenula during stress is linked to subsequent expression of learned helplessness behavior.  Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 8, 29.

Huston, J.P., de Souza Silva, M.A., Komorowski, M., Schulz, D., Topic, B. (2013).  Animal models of extinction-induced depression: Loss of reward and its consequences.  Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews37(9), 2059-2070.

Seese, R.R., Chen, L.Y., Cox, C.D., Schulz, D., Babayan, A.H., Bunney, W.E., Henn, F.A., Gall, C.M., Lynch, G. (2013).  Synaptic abnormalities in the infralimbic cortex of a model of congenital depression.  Journal of Neuroscience33(33), 13441-13448.

Schulz, D., Smith, D.S., Yu, M., Lee, H., Henn, F.A. (2013).  Selective breeding for helplessness in rats alters the metabolic profile of the hippocampus and frontal cortex: A 1H-MRS study at 9.4 T.  International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology16(1), 199-212. 

Li, B., Piriz, J., Mirrione, M., Chung, C., Proulx, C.D., Schulz, D., Henn, F.A., Malinow, R. (2011).  Synaptic potentiation onto lateral habenula neurons in the learned helplessness model of depression.  Nature470(7335), 535-539.

Schulz, D., Mirrione, M., Henn, F.A. (2010).  Cognitive aspects of congenital learned helplessness and its reversal by the MAO-B inhibitor deprenyl.  Neurobiology of Learning and Memory93, 291-301.

Huston, J.P., Schulz, D., Topic, B. (2009).  Toward an animal model of extinction-induced depression: Focus on aging and physiological indices.  Journal of Neural Transmission116, 1029-1036.

Topic, B., Huston, J.P., Namestkova, K., Zhu, S.-W., Mohammed, A.H., Schulz, D. (2008).  Extinction-induced “despair” in aged and adult rats: Links to neurotrophins in frontal cortex and hippocampus.  Neurobiology of Learning and Memory90, 519-526.

Schulz, D., Huston, J.P., Buddenberg, T., Topic, B. (2007).  “Despair” induced by extinction trials in the water maze: Relationship with measures of anxiety in aged and adult rats.  Neurobiology of Learning and Memory87, 309-323.

Schulz, D., Buddenberg, T., Huston, J.P. (2007).  Extinction-induced “despair” in the water maze, exploratory behavior and fear: Effects of chronic antidepressant treatment.  Neurobiology of Learning and Memory87, 624-634.

Schulz, D., Topic, B., De Souza Silva, M.A., Huston, J.P. (2004).  Extinction-induced immobility in the water maze and its neurochemical concomitants in aged and adult rats: A possible model for depression?  Neurobiology of Learning and Memory82, 128-141.

Schulz, D., Huston, J.P. (2002). The sliding window correlation procedure for detecting hidden correlations: Existence of behavioral subgroups illustrated with aged rats. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 121, 129-137.

Schulz, D., Huston, J.P., Jezek, K., Haas, H.L., Roth-Härer, A., Selbach, O., Luhmann, H.J. (2002). Water maze performance, exploratory activity, inhibitory avoidance and hippocampal plasticity in aged superior and inferior learners. European Journal of Neuroscience, 16, 2175-2185.


Research Areas: 

Method development, behavioral and translational neuroscience.
Behavioral neuroimaging, positron emission tomography.
Animal models, depression, motivation.
Parkinson's disease, closed loops.


The NeurotechEU Technological & Societal Innovation Summit 2023 in Bodrum, TR, was a great occasion to present our project "Understand Societal Challenges: A NeurotechEU perspective" to the NTEU community for the first time.  It was a productive meeting in a superb location!


More news:

As of this year, I am coordinating iNavigate, taking over from Prof. Dr. Tansu Çelikel and later Prof. Dr. Paul Verschure of the Radboud University (Nijmegen, NL).  Please contact me, if you wish to get involved in international and inter-sectoral research with our partners from the EU/AC and/or the USA.   The new website for iNavigate will launch soon at https://inavigate-eu.bogazici.edu.tr. 

Research Projects: 


873178 H2020-MSCA-RISE-2019                            
Schulz (CO) 15/7/23 – Present
Schulz (Acting CO) Jan 2023 – 14/7/23                                                                
‘Brain-inspired technologies for intelligent navigation and mobility (iNavigate)’
To bring together behavioral scientists, neuroscientists, computer scientists, and roboticists, residing in the EU/AC and the USA, to conduct joint research on intelligent navigation.
Role: Coordinator, PI

EPP-EUR-UNIV-2020-101004080 - WP6 Societal Innovation subgroup project                      
Schulz (PI) 10/2021 – Present 
‘Understanding societal challenges: a NeurotechEU perspective’  
A trans-national study with the goal to understand societal perspectives on neuro-technological advances.
Role: PI

Yücesoy (CO), Öztürk-Isik (PI) 15/5/23 – Present
‘Small animal imaging application and innovation platform for the detection of aging in the brain and musculoskeletal system’ (P11) 
To atlas the female aging rat brain using PET/CT, MRI, and behavior.
Role: Researcher

15981 BAP Start-Up
Schulz (PI) 20/5/20 – 19/5/23    
‘Experience-driven (ed)-DBS to improve motor symptoms in the hemiparkinson rat model’
To test the feasibility of a new treatment approach (ed-DBS), in which deep brain stimulation is tailored to specific learning experiences involving S-S* contingencies.   
Role: PI


Schulz, D., Lillo-Navarro, C., Slors, M., Hrabeczy, A., Gustafsson, K., Reuter, M. (2023).  Understanding societal challenges: a NeurotechEU perspective.  Frontiers in Neuroscience, submitted.

Bilgen, G., Tanriverdi, D., Schulz, D. (2022). Predicting cognitive effort: role of mental energy, performance feedback, arithmetic skill, and caffeine.  Advance.  Preprint available at: https://doi.org/10.31124/advance.20738347.v2

Schulz, D. (2020).  Depression development: From lifestyle changes to motivational deficits.  Behavioural Brain Research395, 112845.

Gold, M.E.L., Norell, M., Budassi, M., Vaska, P., Schulz, D. (2018).  Rapid 18F-FDG uptake in brain of awake, behaving rat and anesthetized chicken has implications for behavioral PET studies in species with high metabolisms.  Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience12, 115.

Schulz, D. (2018).  Food deprivation separates motor-activating from anxiolytic effects of caffeine in a rat open field.  Behavioural Pharmacology29, 543-546.

Schulz, D. (2016).  Seasonal effects of the monoamine oxidase inhibitor deprenyl but not the tricyclic antidepressant imipramine in rats bred for helplessness.  Medical Science & Discovery3, 312-316.

Schulz, D., Henn, F.A., Petri, D., Huston, J.P. (2016).  Rats bred for helplessness exhibit positive reinforcement learning deficits which are not alleviated by an antidepressant dose of the MAO-B inhibitor deprenyl.  Neuroscience329, 83-92.

Gold, M.E.L., Schulz, D., Budassi, M., Gignac, P.M., Vaska, P., Norell, M.A. (2016).  Flying starlings, PET and the evolution of volant dinosaurs.  Current Biology26, R265-267.

Mirrione, M.M., Schulz, D., Lapidus, K., Zhang, S., Goodman, W., Henn, F.A. (2014).  Increased metabolic activity in the septum and habenula during stress is linked to subsequent expression of learned helplessness behavior.  Frontiers in Human Neuroscience8, 29.

Ottis, P., Topic, B., Loos, M., Li, K.W., de Souza Silva, M.A., Schulz, D., Smit, A.B., Huston, J.P., Korth, C. (2013).  Aging-induced proteostatic changes in the rat hippocampus identify ARP3, NEB2 and BRAG2 as a molecular circuitry for cognitive impairment.  PLoS One8, e75112.

Huston, J.P., de Souza Silva, M.A., Komorowski, M., Schulz, D., Topic, B. (2013).  Animal models of extinction-induced depression: Loss of reward and its consequences.  Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews37, 2059-2070.

Seese, R.R., Chen, L.Y., Cox, C.D., Schulz, D., Babayan, A.H., Bunney, W.E., Henn, F.A., Gall, C.M., Lynch, G. (2013).  Synaptic abnormalities in the infralimbic cortex of a model of congenital depression.  Journal of Neuroscience33, 13441-13448.

Schulz, D., Smith, D.S., Yu, M., Lee, H., Henn, F.A. (2013).  Selective breeding for helplessness in rats alters the metabolic profile of the hippocampus and frontal cortex: A 1H-MRS study at 9.4 T.  International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology16, 199-212.

Schulz, D., Vaska, P. (2011).  The emerging discipline of behavioral neuroimaging.  Reviews in the Neurosciences22, 591-592.

Schulz, D., Vaska, P. (2011).  Integrating PET with behavioral neuroscience using RatCAP tomography.  Reviews in the Neurosciences22, 647-655.

Maramraju, S.H., Smith, S.D., Junnarkar, S.S., Schulz, D., Stoll, S., Ravindranath, B., Purschke, M., Rescia, S., Southekal, S.S., Pratte, J.-F., Vaska, P., Woody, C.L., Schlyer, D.J. (2011).  Small animal simultaneous PET/MRI: Initial experiences in a 9.4 T microMRI.  Physics in Medicine & Biology56, 2459-2480.

Schulz, D., Southekal, S., Junnarkar, S.S., Pratte, J.-F., Purschke, M.L., Stoll, S.P., Ravindranath, B., Maramraju, S.H., Krishnamoorthy, S., Henn, F.A., Woody, C.L., Schlyer, D.J., Vaska, P. (2011).  Simultaneous assessment of rodent behavior and neurochemistry using a miniature positron emission tomograph.  Nature Methods8, 347-352. 

Li, B., Piriz, J., Mirrione, M., Chung, C., Proulx, C.D., Schulz, D., Henn, F.A., Malinow, R. (2011).  Synaptic potentiation onto lateral habenula neurons in the learned helplessness model of depression.  Nature470, 535-539.

Von Wilmsdorff, M., Sprick, U., Bouvier, M.L., Schulz, D., Schmitt, A., Gaebel, W. (2010).  Sex-dependent behavioral effects and morphological changes in the hippocampus after prenatal invasive interventions in rats: Implications for animal models of schizophrenia.  Clinics65, 209-219.

Schulz, D., Mirrione, M., Henn, F.A. (2010).  Cognitive aspects of congenital learned helplessness and its reversal by the MAO-B inhibitor deprenyl.  Neurobiology of Learning and Memory93, 291-301.

Huston, J.P., Schulz, D., Topic, B. (2009).  Toward an animal model of extinction-induced depression: Focus on aging and physiological indices.  Journal of Neural Transmission116, 1029-1036.

Topic, B., Huston, J.P., Namestkova, K., Zhu, S.-W., Mohammed, A.H., Schulz, D. (2008).  Extinction-induced “despair” in aged and adult rats: Links to neurotrophins in frontal cortex and hippocampus.  Neurobiology of Learning and Memory90, 519-526.

Schulz, D., Aksoy, A., Canbeyli, R. (2008).  Behavioral despair is differentially affected by the length and timing of photic stimulation in the dark phase of an LD cycle.  Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry32, 1257-1262.

Schulz, D., Huston, J.P., Buddenberg, T., Topic, B. (2007).  “Despair” induced by extinction trials in the water maze: Relationship with measures of anxiety in aged and adult rats.  Neurobiology of Learning and Memory87, 309-323.

Schulz, D., Buddenberg, T., Huston, J.P. (2007).  Extinction-induced “despair” in the water maze, exploratory behavior and fear: Effects of chronic antidepressant treatment.  Neurobiology of Learning and Memory87, 624-634.

Schulz, D., Kouri, C., Huston, J.P. (2007).  Behavior on the water maze platform: Relationship to learning and open field exploration in aged and adult rats.  Brain Research Bulletin74, 206-215.

Sprick, U., von Wilmsdorff, M., Bouvier, M.-L., Schulz, D., Gaebel, W. (2006).  Behavioral and hippocampal changes after prenatal invasive interventions with possible relevance to schizophrenia.  Behavioural Brain Research172, 179-186.

Sergeeva, O.A.*, Schulz, D.* (*equal contribution), Doreulee, N., Ponomarenko, A.A., Selbach, O., Borsch, E., Kircheis, G., Häussinger, D., Huston, J.P., Häussinger, D., Haas, H.L. (2005).  Deficits in cortico-striatal synaptic plasticity and behavioral habituation in rats with portacaval anastomosis.  Neuroscience134, 1091-1098.

Topic, B., Dere, E., Schulz, D., de Souza Silva, M.A., Jocham, G., Kart, E., Huston, J.P. (2005).  Aged and adult rats compared in acquisition and extinction of escape from the water maze: Focus on individual differences.  Behavioral Neuroscience119, 127-144.

Schulz, D., Topic, B., De Souza Silva, M.A., Huston, J.P. (2004).  Extinction-induced immobility in the water maze and its neurochemical concomitants in aged and adult rats: A possible model for depression?  Neurobiology of Learning and Memory82, 128-141.

Schulz, D., Sergeeva, O.A., Ianovskii, E., Luhmann, H.J., Haas, H.L., Huston, J.P. (2004).  Behavioural parameters in aged rats are related to LTP and gene expression of ChAT and NMDA-NR2 subunits in the striatum.  European Journal of Neuroscience19, 1373-1383. 

Aksoy, A., Schulz, D., Yilmaz, A., Canbeyli, R. (2004).  Seasonal variability in behavioral despair in female rats.  International Journal of Neuroscience114, 1513-1520.

Jezek, K., Schulz, D., De Souza Silva, M.A., Müller, H.-W., Huston, J.P, Hasenöhrl, R.U. (2003).  Effects of chronic intraventricular infusion of heparin glycosaminoglycan on learning and brain acetylcholine parameters in aged rats.  Behavioural Brain Research147, 115-123.

Schulz, D., Huston, J.P. (2002).  The sliding window correlation procedure for detecting hidden correlations: Existence of behavioral subgroups illustrated with aged rats.  Journal of Neuroscience Methods121, 129-137.

Schulz, D., Huston, J.P., Jezek, K., Haas, H.L., Roth-Härer, A., Selbach, O., Luhmann, H.J. (2002).  Water maze performance, exploratory activity, inhibitory avoidance and hippocampal plasticity in aged superior and inferior learners.  European Journal of Neuroscience16, 2175-2185.

Yilmaz, A., Schulz, D., Aksoy, A., Canbeyli, R. (2002).  Prolonged effect of an anesthetic dose of ketamine on behavioral despair.  Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior71, 341-344.

Schulz, D., Canbeyli, R. (2000).  Lesion of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis enhances learned despair.  Brain Research Bulletin52, 83-87.

Schulz, D., Canbeyli, R. (1999).  Freezing behavior in BNST-lesioned Wistar rats.  Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences877, 728-731.


Schulz, D., Reuter, M. (2023).  Understanding Societal Challenges: a NTEU perspective.  Technological and Societal Innovation Summit 2023 – Bodrum, Turkey.

Mirrione, M.M., Prina, M.L., Maas, A.A., Marks, K.A., Henn, F.A., Schulz, D. (2022).  Molecular basis for antidepressant effects of deprenyl in rodents with congenital learned helplessness.  Society for Neuroscience – San Diego, USA.

Tamer, B., Schulz, D. (2022).  Discrimination learning in the hemiparkinson rat.  International Symposium on Brain and Cognitive Science – Istanbul, Turkey.

Albayrak, E.B., Schulz, D. (2022).  Generating non-normal distributions for interval schedules: Effects on instrumental behavior.  International Symposium on Brain and Cognitive Science – Istanbul, Turkey.

Marks, K., Schulz, D., Mirrione M.M. (2021).  Analysis of CaMKII in brain homogenate from an animal model of depressive-like behavior treated with deprenyl.  Cognitive Neuroscience Society, Virtual Meeting.

Hajjar, A.J., Çakıcı, K., Küçük, M., Güçlü, B., Schulz, D. (2020).  Measuring effortful motivation with HEFFORT: Psychometric testing and validation using machine learning.  International Symposium on Brain and Cognitive Science – Ankara, Turkey.

Erkol, G., Biegon, A., Schulz, D. (2018).  Intravenous infusion of dopamine D2/D3 agonist PHNO decreases indicators of sexual motivation in female rats.  Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS) – Berlin, Germany.

Schulz, D., Budassi, M, Kim, S.W., Muench, L., Fowler, J., Schlyer, D., Vaska, P. (2018).  Further validation of the behavioral neuroimaging approach using RatCAP tomography, [11C]PHNO, and a paced mating paradigm.  Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS) – Berlin, Germany.

Firat, Z., Ture, U., Ozturk-Isik, E., Sarsilmaz, A., Ozdeniz, E., Schulz, D. (2017).  Diffusion tensor imaging as a tool to predict memory deficits in left temporal lobe patients.  European Society of Radiology – Vienna, Austria.

Gold, M.E.L., Schulz, D., Budassi, M., Vaska, P., Gignac, P., Norell, M. (2016).  Applying dice-CT to PET: New tools for correlating morphology to function in living animals.  International Congress of Vertebrate Morphology – Washington D.C, USA.

Schulz, D., Petri, D., Huston, J.P., Henn, F.A. (2015).  Positive reinforcement learning is impaired in rats bred for helplessness and not reversible by monoamine oxidase (MAO)-B inhibitor deprenyl.  Society for Neuroscience – Chicago, USA.

Ottis, P., Topic, B., Loos, M., Li, K.W., Desouza, A., Schulz, D., Smit, B., Huston, J.P., Korth, C. (2013).  Age-associated insoluble hippocampal proteins involved in synaptic plasticity correlate with learning behavior in a rat model for MCI.  Society for Neuroscience – San Diego, USA. 

Maramraju, S.H., Smith, S.D., Stoll, S., Schulz, D., Rescia, S., Junnarkar, S., Purschke, M., Ravindranath, B., Vaska, P., Woody, C., Schlyer, D. (2011).  Simultaneous PET/MRI: Evaluation of electromagnetic interactions and in vivo imaging in 9.4 T MRI.  International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine – Montréal, Québec, Canada.  Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med., 19, 3800.

Schulz, D., Southekal, S., Henn, F.A., Schlyer, D., Vaska, P. (2010).  Simultaneous assessment of D2 receptor occupancy and spontaneous behavioral activity using the RatCAP tomograph.  Society for Neuroscience – San Diego, USA.

Maramraju, S.H., Smith, S.D., Stoll, S., Schulz, D., Purschke, M., Ravindranath, B., Junnarkar, S.S., Vaska, P., Woody, C.L., Schlyer, D.J. (2010).  Simultaneous PET/MR imaging results of a rat brain and a mouse heart with an MRI compatible PET detector in a 9.4 T microMRI.  Society for Nuclear Medicine – Salt Lake City, USA.

Smith, S.D., Maramraju, S.H., Southekal, S., Ravindranath, B., Krishnamoorthy, S., Purschke, M., Junnarkar, S., Rescia, S., Schulz, D., Woody, C., Stoll, S., Vaska, P., Carrion, J., Schlyer, D., Benveniste, H. (2010).  Simultaneous acquisition of MRI and PET cardiac cine 3D images at 9.4 Tesla.  Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance, 12, O59. 

Schulz, D., Southekal, S., Schiffer, W., Henn, F.A., Schlyer, D., Vaska, P. (2009).  PET imaging in behaving animals with the RatCAP tomograph.  American College of Neuropsychopharmacology – Florida, USA.

Mirrione, M.M., Schulz, D., Dewey, S., Henn, F.A. (2009).  Medial thalamic activation following inescapable shock correlates with subsequent learned helpless behavior.  American College of Neuropsychopharmacology – Florida, USA.

Schulz, D., Southekal, S., Schiffer, W., Henn, F.A., Schlyer, D., Vaska, P. (2009).  The RatCAP portable scanner: Towards PET imaging in behaving animals.  International Behavioral Neuroscience Society – Nassau, Bahamas.

Schulz, D., Southekal, S., Junnarkar, S., Maramraju, S., Schiffer, W., Krishnamoorthy, S., Purschke, M., Vaska, P., Woody, C., Schlyer, D. (2009).  11C-Raclopride kinetics in awake and anesthetized rats using the RatCAP awake rat brain PET.  Society for Nuclear Medicine – Toronto, Canada.

Southekal, S., Schulz, D., Schlyer, D., Junnarkar, S., Maramraju, S., Ravindranath, B., Stoll, S., Pratte, J.-F., Purschke, M., Woody, C., & Vaska, P. (2009).  Quantitative dynamic neuroimaging with the RatCAP.  IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference – Florida, USA.

Maramraju, S.H., Smith, S.D., Rescia, S., Junnarkar, S.S., Ravindranath, B., Stoll, S., Purschke, M., Schulz, D., Southekal, S.S., Lenz, B., Pratte, J.-F., Vaska, P., Woody, C.L., Schlyer, D.J. (2009).  Simultaneous acquisition of PET/MR images of small animals at 9.4 T.  IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference – Florida, USA.

Vaska, P., Kim, D.-H,, Southekal, S., Krishnamoorthy, S., Stoll, S., Fried, J., Schulz, D., Pratte, J.-F., Dragone, A., Cui, Y.-G., DeGeronimo, G., Bolotnikov, A., Woody, C.L., O’Connor, P. (2009).  Performance of a prototype ultra-high resolution PET scanner using CZT pixel detectors.  IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference – Florida, USA.

Mirrione, M.M., Schulz, D., Dewey, S., Henn, F.A. (2008). Metabolic imaging in the learned helplessness model of depression implicates the habenula in altered neurocircuitry.  American College of Neuropsychopharmacology – Arizona, USA.

Schulz, D., Mirrione, M.M., Henn, F.A. (2008).  Behavioral concomitants of congenital learned helplessness and its reversal by a monoamine oxidase B inhibitor.  Society for Neuroscience – Washington D.C., USA.

Mirrione, M.M., Schulz, D., Henn, F.A. (2008). Imaging neuronal activity in the learned helplessness model of depression using 18FDG microPET.  Society for Neuroscience – Washington D.C., USA.

Henn, F.A., Schulz, D., Mirrione, M.M., Zink, M. (2008).  Circuits and cells: The role of glutamate in sustaining learned helplessness.  Symposium on glutamate evoked excitation: New evidence of glutamate’s role in the pathophysiology of mood disorders provides new targets for drug development. Collegium Internationale Neuro-Psychopharmacologicum – Munich, Germany.

Vaska, P., Woody, C., Schlyer, D., Junnarkar, S., Southekal, S., Schulz, D., Pratte, J.-F., Stoll, S., Purschke, M., Fried, J., Schiffer, W., Maramraju, S., Ravindranath, B., Krishnamoorthy, S., Radeka, V., O’Connor, P., Lecomte, R., Fontaine, R. (2008).  Physics performance and quantitative brain imaging studies using the RatCAP tomograph.  IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference – Dresden, Germany. 

Schlyer, D., Vaska, P., Woody, C., Schulz, D., Junnarkar, S., Southekal, S., Maramraju, S., Schiffer, W., Alexoff, D. (2008).  Comparison of [11C]raclopride kinetics in awake and anesthetized rats using the RatCAP awake rat brain PET system.  Society for Nuclear Medicine – New Orleans, USA.

Vaska, P., Woody, C., Schlyer, D., Pratte, J.-F., Junnarkar, S., Southekal, S., Stoll, S., Schulz, D., Schiffer, W., Alexoff, D., Lee, D., Patel, V., Purschke, M., Lee, W., Fried, J., Lenz, W., Krishnamoorthy, S., Maramraju, S., Kriplani, A., Radeka, V., O’Connor, P., Lecomte, R., Fontaine, R. (2007).  The design and performance of the 2nd-generation RatCAP awake rat brain PET system.  IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record6, 4181-4184.

Schulz, D., Huston, J.P., Buddenberg, T., Topic, B. (2006).  Extinction-induced despair in the water maze and its relationship with anxiety in aged and adult rats.  Society for Neuroscience – Atlanta, USA.

Topic, B., Huston, J.P., Zhu, S.-W., Mohammed, A.H., Schulz, D. (2006).  Neurotrophin protein levels in frontal cortex and hippocampus correlate with extinction-induced despair in the water maze in aged and adult rats.  Society for Neuroscience – Atlanta, USA.

Schulz, D., Kouri, C., Topic, B., Huston, J.P. (2005).  Platform behavior in the water maze and its correlates with spatial and procedural learning in aged and adult rats.  Society for Neuroscience – Washington D.C., USA.

Schulz, D., Topic, B., De Souza Silva, M.A., Huston, J.P. (2004).  Extinction-induced despair in the water maze: Promise of a conceptual and empirical model of human depression.  International Behavioral Neuroscience Society – Florida, USA.

Topic, B., Jocham, G., Kart, E., Schulz, D., De Souza Silva, M.A., Huston, J.P. (2004).  Individual differences in water maze performance and open field behavior in aged and adult rats.  International Behavioral Neuroscience Society – Florida, USA.

Schulz, D., Kouri, C., Topic, B., De Souza Silva, M.A., Huston, J.P. (2003).  Water maze extinction as a model of depression in aged and young rats: interaction of extinction-induced despair with learning ability and striatal neurotransmitters.  Society for Neuroscience – New Orleans, USA.

Topic, B., Jocham, G., Schulz, D., Steenbergen, P.J., Oitzl, M.S., Meijer, O.C., Huston, J.P. (2003).  Expression of central corticosteroid receptor mRNA in adult and aged rats differs not only as a function of age but also as a function of water maze performance.  Society for Neuroscience – New Orleans, USA.

Schulz, D., Topic, B., Huston, J.P. (2003).  Water maze extinction as a model of depression in aged and young rats: interaction of extinction-induced despair with learning ability.  European Brain and Behaviour Society – Barcelona, Spain.

Schulz, D., Huston, J.P. (2002).  The sliding window correlation procedure for detecting hidden correlations: Existence of subgroups with differing behavioral phenotype as illustrated with aged rats.  3rd Symposium on the Molecular Bases of Learning and Memory – Berlin, Germany.

Schulz, D., De Souza Silva, M.A., Holling, C., Huston, J.P., Haas, H.L., Sergeeva, O.A. (2002).  Variability in water maze learning in relation to hippocampal NMDA-receptor subunit expression, serotonin turnover and acetylcholine in aged and adult rats.  Federation of European Neuroscience Societies Forum – Paris, France.

Topic, B., Jocham, G., Schulz, D., De Souza Silva, M.A., Huston, J.P. (2002).  Neurochemical and behavioral concomitants of extinction of water maze escape behavior in old and adult rats.  International Behavioral Neuroscience Society – Napels, Italy.

Schulz, D., Huston, J.P. (2001).  Behavioural and physiological concomitants of superior and inferior learning in aged rats.  Behavioural Pharmacology12 (Suppl 1), S93.

Schulz, D., Huston, J.P., Luhmann, H.L., Yanovsky, Y., Haas, H.L., Sergeeva, O. (2001).  Striatal ChAT correlates with learning rates whereas LTP and STP correlate with learning levels in aged rats which perform superior in the water maze.  Society for Neuroscience – San Diego, USA.

De Souza Silva, M.A., Jezek, K., Schulz, D., Weth, K., Müller, H.W., Huston, J.P., Hasenöhrl, R.U. (2001).  Facilitation of learning and modulation of frontal cortex acetylcholine by heparin glycosaminoglycan.  Society for Neuroscience – San Diego, USA.

Schulz, D., Haas, H.L., Yanovsky, Y., Luhmann, H.J., Huston, J.P. (2001).  Exploration and Morris maze performance in aged rats both correlate with hippocampal and striatal STP and LTP.  International Behavioral Neuroscience Society – Cancun, Mexico.

Schulz, D., Huston, J.P., Jezek, K., Haas, H.L., Yanovsky, Y., Roth-Härer, A., Selbach, O., Luhmann, H.J. (2000).  Water maze learning in aged rats correlates with short- and long-term potentiation in the hippocampus and striatum.  Society for Neuroscience – New Orleans, USA.

Canbeyli, R., Babacan-Yildiz, G., Schulz, D., Aksoy, A., Tataroglu, O, Yilmaz, A. (1999).  Time-dependent effect of ketamine on forced swim tests in male Wistar rats.  Society for Neuroscience – Miami, USA.

Schulz, D., Canbeyli, R. (1998).  Assessment of learned despair and freezing behavior in BNST lesioned Wistar rats.  New York Academy of Sciences – Virginia, USA.

Schulz, D., Celikel, T., Canbeyli, R. (1998).  Effect of BNST lesions on learned despair as measured by forced swimming tests in male Wistar rats.  Society for Neuroscience – Los Angeles, USA.

Canbeyli, R., Celikel, T., Hasanoglu, A., Schulz, D., Geissler, A.E. (1997).  Depressant effect of bilateral lesions of suprachiasmatic nuclei in rats as measured by the forced swimming test.  Society for Neuroscience – New Orleans, USA.

Canbeyli, R., Celikel, T., Akin, O., Schulz, D., Cansiz, S., Celen, H., Eslen, H., Sohtorik, Y. (1997).  Differential effect of different tone sequences on the forced swim performance of female rats.  European Psychology Congress – Dublin, Ireland

Reviewer for: 

Editorial Activity (selected)

2022 – Present
Associate Editor; Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience – Individual and Social Behaviors

2010 – Present
Editorial Board; Behavioural Brain Research

2005 – Present
Journal Referee; Behavioural Brain Research; European Neuropsychopharmacology; Frontiers in Human Neuroscience; Human Brain Mapping; Life Sciences; Molecular Psychiatry; Nature Protocols; Neurobiology of Learning and Memory; Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment; Neuroscience; Neuroscience Letters; Pharmacological Research; Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior; Physiology & Behavior; PlosOne; Schizophrenia Bulletin

I have also served as Guest Editor for Behavioural Brain Research: 
Special Issue ‘Depression Symptomatology’ (2018 – 2020), available at https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/behavioural-brain-research/special...

And as Guest Editor for Reviews in the Neurosciences, Vol. 22 (6):
Special Issue ‘Behavioral Neuroimaging’ (2011), available at https://www.degruyter.com/journal/key/revneuro/22/6/html


Daniela Schulz, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Boğaziçi University
Institute of Biomedical Engineering
Center for Life Sciences and Technologies
Kandilli Campus
34684 ISTANBUL, Turkey

Phone Number: 

+90 536 592 5514


BM 587 Advanced Research Methods

BM 592 RatCAP Research Applications and Development