Hale Saybaşılı received her BSc and MSc in Department of Biology from Middle East Technical University, and PhD degree in Biomedical Engineering from Bogaziçi University. She studied "Spinal somatosensory evoked potentials in response to cutaneous afferent stimulation" as MSc research and "pH dependence of histamine modulation on NMDA response in hippocampal slices by patch clamp technique" during PhD.
Neuronal Plasticity Activities
Neurodegenerative Diseases and Hippocampus
Excitotoxicity and Free Radical Generation
Cellular and Molecular Imaging in in vitro Brain Slices
Somatotopic Organization of Kinesthetic Cells in Globus Pallidus Interna
2005-: Ülgen K., Kırdar B., Önsan Z.İ., Saybaşılı H., “Sistem Bazlı Mühendislik Yaklaşımları ile İlaç Tasarımında Kullanılacak Hedeflerin Sfingolipid Metabolizmasında Saptanması”, Destekleyen Kuruluş: TÜBİTAK, 2005-devam ediyor
2002-2007: Foundation of Molecular and Cellular Imaging Laboratory (Moleküler ve Hücresel Görüntüleme Laboratuvarı Alt Yapı Projesi) supported by Boğazici University Research Fund - principal investigator
2000 -: Investigation of an Alzheimers Disease Model in Rat by Behavioral, Immunohistochemical and Electrophysiological Methods (Sıçanda bir Alzheimer Hastalığı Modelinin Davranışsal, İmmünohistokimyasal ve Elektrofizyolojik Yöntemlerle İncelenmesi) supported by Boğazici University Research Fund - investigator
1998-2000: Generation of Reactive Oxygen Species and Nitric Oxide in Experimental Alzheimer Disease Model and their Role in Apoptosis/Necrosis (Deneysel Alzheimer Hastalığı Modelinde Reaktif Oksijen Türleri ve Nitrik Oksit Hasar Oluşturucu Etkileri ile Apoptoz/Nekroz Oluşumundaki Rollerinin İncelenmesi) supported by Marmara University Research Fund - investigator
1998-1999: Generation of Reactive Oxygen Species and Nitric Oxide in Experimental Huntington Disease Model and their Role in Apoptosis/Necrosis (Deneysel Huntington Hastalığı Modelinde Reaktif Oksijen Türleri ve Nitrik Oksit Hasar Oluşturucu Etkileri ile Apoptoz/Nekroz Oluşumundaki Rollerinin İncelenmesi) supported by Marmara University Research Fund - investigator
1996-1999: Patch clamp Tight-seal Whole Cell Recording of Spontaneous and Miniature Current Activities from Rat Living Hippocampal Slices and Change Observed during Cardiac Arrest ( Sıçan Beyni Canlı Hipokampal Kesitlerinden Spontan ve Minyatür Akım Aktivitelerinin Tek Hücre Düzeyinde Ölçülmesi ve Bu Aktivitelerde Kalp Durması Koşullarında Oluşan Değişikliğin Gözlenmesi) supported by Boğazici University Research Fund- principal investigator
Akkentli F, Tan YP, Saybasili H, Common Pesticide Rotenone Interference with Neuronal Transmission in Hippocampal Slices. American Journal of Biomedical Engineering, 2012, 2(6), 212-217.
Saybasili H, Akkentli F, Rotenone is a Pesticide Controlling the Habitat Quality of Aquatic Ecosystems and has a Negative Impact on Neuron Activity. Review of Hydrobiology, 2011, 4(1), 1-16.
Utku Ş, Klein E, Saybasili H, Yücesoy C, Weiner S. PPProbing Bone Lamellar Structure by Removing Water and Promoting CoContractionJ of STRUCTURAL BIOL, 2008, 162: 361-367.
Cakir T, Alsan S, Saybasili H, Akin A, Ulgen K. Reconstruction and Flux Analysis of Coupling between Metabolic Pathways of Astrocytes and Neurons: Application to Cerebral Hypoxia THEORETICAL BIOLOGY AND MEDICAL MODELLING, 2007,4;48, 1-18.
Yürekli AI, Özkan M, Kalkan T, Saybasili H, Tuncel H, Atukeren P, Gümüstas K, Seker S. GSM base station electromagnetic radiation and oxidative stress in rats ELECTROMAGNETİC BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE 25: 177-188 2006
Tiveci S, Akin A, Cakir T, Saybasili H, Ulgen K. Modelling of calcium dynamics in brain energy metabolism and Alzheimers disease COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY 29 (2): 151-162 APR 2005
Haklar G, Saybasili H, Yuksel M, et al. Measurement of nitric oxide in hippocampal slices: induction with nitroso compounds and the effect of depolarization ACTA NEUROBIOLOGIAE EXPERIMENTALIS 63 (4): 319-325 2003
Saybaşılı, H., Yüksel M., Haklar G., Yalçın A. S. (2002) "Depolarization Induced Superoxide Radical Formation in Rat Hippocampal Slices", Neurochemical Research, , 27 (6): 473-476.
Saybaşılı, H., Yüksel M., Haklar G., Yalçın A. S. (2001) "Effect of Mitochondrial Electron Transport Chain Inhibitors on Superoxide Radical Generation in Rat Hippocampal and Striatal Slices", Antioxidants and Redox Signalling, 3: 1099-1104.
Saybaşılı, H., Yüksel M., Haklar G., Yalçın A. S. (2000) "Superoxide Radical Generation in Rat Striatal Slices: Effects of Depolarization and Calcium ion Deficiency Conditions", Marmara Medical Journal, 13: 11-14.
Saybaşılı, H., Yüksel,M., Haklar, G., Yalçın, S.A. (1999) "Sıçan Beyni Canlı Hipokampal ve Striatal Kesitlerinde Elektron Transport Zinciri İnhibitörlerinin Süperoksit Radikali Oluşumu Üzerindeki Etkileri", Osmangazi Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi (Özel Sayı- Serbest Radikaller ve Antioksidanlar), 20 (1): 155-162.
Yalçın A.S., Haklar G., Küçükkaya B., Yüksel M., Saybaşılı H. (1998) "The Role of Free Radicals in NMDA and Glutamate Excitotoxicity", Free Radicals, Oxidative Stress and Antioxidants, T. Özben (Ed.), Plenum Press, New York: 189-193.
Saybaşılı, H., Yüksel M., Haklar G., Yalçın A. S. (1998) "Sıçan Hipokampal Kesitlerinde Spontan Epileptiform Aktivite ve Depolarizasyon Şartlarında Süperoksit Radikali Oluşumunun Seçici Kanal Blokerleriyle Engellenmesi", Klinik Gelişim, 11: 426-428.
Saybaşılı, H. (1998) "The Protective Role of Mild Acidic pH-shifts on Synaptic NMDA Current in Hippocampal Slices", Brain Research, 786: 128-132.
Saybaşılı, H. (1997) "Beyinde Eksitasyon Oluşturan Asidik Amino Asitler, Hedef Reseptör Tipleri ve Kontrol Bölgeleri", Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Biyo-Medikal Mühendisliği Bülteni, 16: 1-7.
Saybaşılı, H. (1997) "Modulation of Hippocampal CA1 Pyramidal Synaptic NMDA Current with Histamine and Hydrogen Ion", NATO ASI Serisi "Neurotransmitter Release and Uptake", Ş. Pöğün (Ed.), Subseries H 100, "Cell Biology", Spriger-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg: 119-132.
Saybaşılı, H. (1996) "Canlı Hipokampal Kesitlerin CA1 Piramidal Bölgesinden Kayıt Edilen Çok Tepeli Alan Potansiyeli Aktivitesinin Histamin ve Spermin ile Modulasyonu", Epilepsi Dergisi, 3: 127-133.
Saybaşılı, H., Stevens, D.R., Haas, H.L. (1995) "pH-Dependent Modulation of N-Methyl-D-Aspartate Receptor Mediated Synaptic Currents by Histamine in Rat Hippocampus in Vitro", Neuroscience Letters, 199: 225-227.
0 216 516 3459
Cellular and Molecular Imaging Laboratory
BM 501 Biology of Living Systems
In this course the cell structure, organelles, membrane structure, its components, transport mechanisms are explained. Cell division mechanisms, genetic code, protein synthesis and processing mechanisms are also discussed.
BM 530 Signal Transduction in the Central Nervous System
In this course structural properties of neuron, signal transmission, neuronal contacts, neurotransmission processes are explained. Plasticity activities (physiologic and pathologic ones), neurodegenerative diseases and their molecular mechanisms are discussed.
BM 592 Introduction to Neurochemistry
The aim of this course is to give information about the neurochemical components of nervous system, intracellular signal amplification systems, cytoplasmic signal molecules, neuronal junctions and their pathology, mechanisms of oxidative stress and generation of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS), ROS as physiological and pathological signalling molecules.