Rank & Status:
October 1995–December 1998 | Marie Curie Research Institute, (Univ. London) PhD, Biochemistry, Dr. C. R. Goding (bHLH Zip transcription factor Microphthalmia and its regulation during melanocyte differentiation) |
1991–1995 | Boğaziçi University B.Sc., Molecular Biology and Genetics |
August 2000–Oct 2002 University of Manchester Postdoctoral researcher, Prof. A. D. Sharrocks, Head of Gene Regulation and Bioinformatics (MAPK-regulation of ETS domain transcription factors and role in apoptosis / cell survival)
January 1999–August 2000 Boğaziçi University, Lecturer (TGF-ß signaling pathways in PC12 cells; computer modeling of PC12 cell differentiation)
Oct 2014 + Professor in Dept. Mol Biol Genet, GTU Sept 2011-2014 Professor in Dept. of Genetics and Bioengineering, YU May 2006–Sept 2011 Associate Professor in Dept. of Genetics and Bioeng., YU
October 2003–May 2006 Assistant Professor in Dept. of Genetics and Bioeng., YU
February 2003–October 2003 Yeditepe University, Faculty of Pharmacy. Asst. Prof. (set-up of Biomaterials, Genetics and Tissue Culture Laboratories; set-up of Department of Genetics and Bioengineering)
Sept 2014–December 2014
Sept 2013–Sept 2014 Boğaziçi University, Inst. Biomedical Engineering; Part-Time
Oct 2011–June 2013 Medipol Univ., Faculty of Medicine, Part-Time
June-July 2008 Visiting Fac., Stem Cell and Cancer Res. Inst., Uni. McMaster
February 2004–May 2004 Koc University, Faculty of Engineering, Part-Time
February 2003–February 2004 Boğaziçi University, Inst. Biomedical Engineering; Part-Time
2011 15. Uludağ Onkoloji Kongresi; best poster award (Demir et al, 2011)
2009 ESF-ALLEA European Young Academy Forum, Turkish delegate
2009 BAD (Beyin Arastırmaları Dernegi)-Novartis Best Article Award (Demir et al, MCN 2009)
2008 BAD (Beyin Arastırmaları Dernegi)-Lundbeck Project Award
2008 TÜBİTAK Short-term fellowship (visiting scientist;McMaster University, CA)
2007 Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi (TÜBA, Turkish Academy of Sciences); Üstün Başarılı Genç Bilim İnsanı Ödülü (GEBİP, Young Investigator Award)
2007 VI. Ulusal Sinirbilimleri Konferansı, Doç.Dr. Günfer Günkaya En İyi Poster Ödülü (Ö. Demir, A. Karabay, I.Kurnaz)
2005 TÜBİTAK Bilimsel Yayın Teşvik Ödülü
1995–1997 TÜBİTAK PhD scholarship
1995–1998 Marie Curie Cancer Care studentship
1995 Boğaziçi University, Dept. Mol. Biol. Gen. (GPA 3.35; ranked 1st)
1991 TC İş Bankası scholarship for ÖYS ranking (ranked 63rdin OYS)
BM 683 Advances in Molecular Neurobiology: Neural Stem Cells and Neuroregenerative Approaches