Open Position in DeepMIA (Deep Learning and Medical Image Analysis) Lab in the Institute of Biomedical Engineering, Bogazici University!!

Open Position in DeepMIA (Deep Learning and Medical Image Analysis) Lab in the Institute of Biomedical Engineering, Bogazici University!!

We are looking for PhD candidate or postdoctoral researcher to join our TUBITAK 2232

Magnetically Actuated AI-Powered Endoscopic Capsule Robot for Targeted Drug Delivery and Multiple Biopsy Operations Project.

The ideal applicant must be highly motivated, open-minded, creative and have an interest in at least one of the following areas: robotics, simultaneous localization and mapping, computer vision, medical imaging, deep learning, Unity simulation.


  • Hands-on experience and solid background in embedded software development with programming languages C
  • Significant experience in C++ is a plus
  • Demonstrated experience in Python programming languages with the OOP approach
  • Strong analytical thinking and problem-solving skills
  • Fluent speaking in English to support international work environment and advanced academic writing skills
  • Enthusiasm for learning and enhancing engineering skills
  • Excellent communication and teamwork skills

Detailed description for the project can be accessible here.  

Postdoctoral researcher scholar salary: 6.000 ₺/month

PhD Candidate scholar salary: 4.500 ₺/month  

If you are interested, please contact:

Dr. Mehmet Turan (